When the characteristics and filterability properties of the sludge are not known and you want to perform preliminary tests before identifying the best type of machine, an excellent solution is to make a small laboratory filter that acts as a pilot plant.

On this apparatus you can perform as many filtration tests as you want, changing all the variables involved.

These miniature filter presses are the solution for all those companies that need to conduct filtration tests on one or more fluids and for those companies that need to filter and dewater micro-lots of sludge and/or suspensions.


This is the simplest and most economical version of the entire range of laboratory filter presses built by Autemi.
The name “LAB200-TRAVEL” comes from the fact that the unit is compact and lightweight and is designed to be transported.

The unit consists of two counterplates that compress the filter plates inside which precisely pressure filtration takes place.

The maximum filtration pressure is 15 bar.
The counterplates that hold the filter plates together during filtration are bound together by 4 threaded connections that must be unfastened to allow extraction of the dewatered cake.

“SA” stands for Stand Alone.

This is the basic versions of the laboratory filterpress produced by Autemi.

Is a stand alone mini filterpress without any other devices.

Customer must provide himself high pressure feeding pump, sludge tank and agitator and all the necessary other devices to run a complete filtration.

Closing of the plates is provided by an hydraulic cylinder equipped with hydraulic unit and manual pump actuated by a lever by the user.

This small units, can install from 3 to 15 filtering plates with or without spacers to increase filtering volume.

“PFS” stands for Pneumatic Filterpress Station.

This is the basic pneumatic version of Laboratory Filterpress Station designed and builted by Autemi.

The particularity of this version is that the station does not require electrical power supply as all components mounted require only pneumatic power.

With this model customer can test every kind of sludge or liquid to filter, because the micro-filterpress is equipped with all the most important auxiliary and devices we can find in a complete industrial filterpress.

Provided with high pressure pneumatic feeding pump (up to 15 bar) for filterpress feeding and pressure multiplier to provide air pressure up to 16 bar for membrane squeezing.

No electric panel installed because the station requires only net pressure air

In this version of mini-filterpress is not installed any sludge tank, water tank and any mixer.

Available in 4 different versions:


“CPFS” stands for Complete Pneumatic Filterpress Station.

This is a complete pneumatic version of Laboratory Filterpress Station designed and builted by Autemi.

The particularity of this version is that the station does not require electrical power supply as all components mounted require only pneumatic power.

With this model customer can test every kind of sludge or liquid to filter, because the micro-filterpress is equipped with all the most important auxiliary and devices we can find in a complete industrial filterpress.

Provided with pneumatic high pressure feeding pump (up to 15 bar), sludge tank with manual mixer, water tank for water flushing of the piping and pressure multiplier to provide air pressure up to 16 bar for membrane squeezing.

No electric panel installed because the station requires only net pressure air.

Available in 4 different versions


“EFS” stands for Electric Filterpress Station.

This is the electric version of Laboratory Filterpress Station designed and builted by Autemi.

With this model customer can test every kind of sludge or liquid to filter, because the micro-filterpress is equipped with all the most important auxiliary and devices we can find in a complete industrial filterpress.

Provided with high pressure feeding pump (up to 15 bar) for filterpress feeding and pressure multiplier to provide air pressure up to 16 bar for membrane squeezing.

Electric panel allows you also to change the feeding pump flow rate due to VFD installed in order to test which is the best filtration velocity to mantain during the test.

A pressure switch installed over the compensation bag tuns ON/OFF automatically the feeding pump.

In this version of mini-filterpress is not installed any sludge tank, water tank and any mixer.

Available in 4 different versions:


“CEFS” stands for Complete Electric Filterpress Station.

This is the electric version of Laboratory Filterpress Station designed and builted by Autemi.

With this model customer can test every kind of sludge or liquid to filter, because the micro-filterpress is equipped with all the most important auxiliary and devices we can find in a complete industrial filterpress.

Provided with high pressure feeding pump (up to 15 bar) for filterpress feeding and pressure multiplier to provide air pressure up to 16 bar for membrane squeezing.

Electric panel allows you also to change the feeding pump flow rate due to VFD installed in order to test which is the best filtration velocity to mantain during the test.

A pressure switch installed over the compensation bag tuns ON/OFF automatically the feeding pump.

In this version of mini-filterpress is not installed any sludge tank, water tank and any mixer.

Available in 4 different versions: